Dusk Delacroix

lone wolf ♡ Introspective, solitary, quiet

"What do you want me to say? I used to be a fighter and now I'm here. For private reasons, I don't go adventuring any more. I like to stick to myself, but for more private reasons, I opened the Host Club. I'm not sure if it's made my life worse or better. Not sure I prefer managing a bunch of miqote over fighting primals and helping people..."

Amie Cadieux

troublemaker ♡ brazen, sassy, guarded

" Staring is going to cost you and I don't come cheap. It's Amie by the way, Aw-Mee. We've got plenty of cute personalities here but don't get me confused with the type. I- Oh, manager dearest is giving me that 'Behave, Amie, I swear to The Twelve' stare. I'm a dancer or I was until recently. It's not nearly as romantic of a lifestyle as you'd think. "

Amare'sae Chaleureux

Benign Healer ♡ Charming, tender, winsome

" I’m Amare’sae! I’m a Keeper Miqo’te with Sharlayan heritage although I was raised in Ishgard. I’m the 10th and youngest child in my rather large family, they mean well although they sheltered me from hardships, it did give me a soft heart which I am thankful for. I made my initial way in life as a professional chef to nobles, I love cooking and making drinks, I’m always joyful whipping something up in my spare time! Since leaving Ishgard to travel, I discovered my aptitude for magic. One of my sisters told me I have a dangerously high amount of aether in my body, but it makes my eyes aqua blue, plus they sparkle and glow in the dark so it’s a fair trade to me heh. I now use my natural magical talent channeling it through the stars to heal those unfortunate and injured wherever my travels take me. Personally I adore making friends, my bright pink colour scheme people seem to love! If you ever need a hug or more I’ll be glad to be a loving friend, I’m told my silky soft skin helps the hugs feel special! "

Akil Phoebus

charismatic sage ♡ golden, wise, carefree

" My name’s Akil Phoebus, but you may call me Akil! I’m a travelling doctor from a distant land that taught me everything I know about medicine and magick. I came to Eorzea along with some close friends of mine but spend most of my days with my travelling partner and lover, Noctis. We would go on all kinds of adventures, solving mysteries or helping those in need! Despite myself being a medic and mostly making sure everyone is in good health, I also fight along side everyone with either my bow and arrow as a Bard or using my offensive magicks as a Black Mage! With the tactical knowledge I gained along side my medical studies, I do my best to support my allies. In my free time…well, I do enjoy a good book! I’d also write or play music too! …I should think about bringing my Lyre… ah-! Sorry, got distracted. Many say I’m carefree and cheerful all the time, always enjoying a joke or a tease, but if I see someone being unjust or rude to myself or anyone I care for, I’m not afraid to speak my mind. …ahem—but just as long everyone behaves, I’m happy~. ♫ "

Noctis Auberon

♡ Quiet, Distant, Serious

" Must I make an introduction about myself...? My name is Noctis Auberon, and I'm a waiter at the host club. Outside of the establishment, I'm just a simple adventurer and researcher from outside of Eorzea, and travel the realm with my partner, Akil Phoebus. But my life is nothing interesting and something I'm not a fan of talking about. If you need anything in the host club, let me know. I'm not the one to talk to strangers, but I'm good at listening. If you ever need an ear, you could always come to me. "

P'oki Tia

anxious shut-in ♡ timid, pink, nerd

" Ah... I'm a little bit of a mess, does that count? Until recently I barely left my apartment and just focused on my tailoring, but... I like to think I've been, uhm... Opening up a little since I became a host. I love making clothes, and just... F-fashion, yeah... Novels, too, all kinds! I'd love to talk about, uhm, any of those... Or whatever you want, too. And... Tell me what interests you, too? I'd... Love to hear stories about other people's adventures. "

Fluer'a Mhelte

Snack fiend ♡ Mischievous, clumsy, bubbly

" Ah, hi! My name is Fluer’a and I’m just a humble adventurer. I enjoy climbing trees and leaping and bounding to where I need to go. Wait, huh? You saw me trip over a rock outside? Please forget about that and pretend that I’m graceful. Here, I got a cookie from the kitchen earlier. Let’s share~ Oh, don’t tell anyone about that. Shhhh.... "